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The Ocean Isle Property Owner’s Association (OIPOA) wants to sincerely thank you for being a part of our Leave No Trace program and your commitment to preserving all that we love about our island community. We hope this guidance will help to make sure your experience in adopting/sponsoring a Beach Access is a rewarding one!


Your Commitment:

  • Clean the entire Access, any associated parking area and the dunes all the way to the sand beach

  • Clean the high beach area (above the tide line) up to the dunes to the west of your adopted Access from that Access to the next Access (to the right)

  • Conduct periodic clean up activities throughout the year


The OIPOA’s Commitment:

  • Trash bags and gloves will be provided by the Ocean Isle Property Owner’s Association.

  • The OIPOA will celebrate your successes and generosity by publishing your individual, business or organization name, photos you forward us and any other pertinent information in our monthly newsletter & social media outlets

  • We will celebrate your accomplishments each Fall at our Annual Trash Bash and Island-Wide Clean Up festivities

  • Additionally, we will place a thank you sign on the beach side of each Access with your business or individual sponsorship name and logo along with the OIPOA/Leave No Trace logo.


Safety First, Last and Always:

Your most important responsibility is to ensure safety for all your cleanup activities.  Therefore:

  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on a cleanup

  • Every group should have a mobile phone

  • Clean up activities should not occur during inclement weather or after dark

  • In warm weather, take breaks and drink plenty of water as well as wear sunscreen

  • Do not try to handle hazardous litter such as syringes

  • Be careful handling broken glass

  • Be alert and ready to react to traffic

  • Watch out for bees, wasps, fire ants and other potential natural hazards

  • Do not try to compress trash into bags as sharp objects could cause injury


The Clean Up Activity:

The day of clean up activity is sure to be a rewarding and enjoyable activity for all participants!

  • Coordinate your clean up activity dates with your Employees/Volunteers

  • Procure cleaning supplies from at 241 W. 2nd Street - where the OIPOA Board has left a container with supplies

  • Review the Safety Rules with all Participants (and make sure to bring plenty of water!)

  • Ensure that all Volunteers understand the Area they are expected to clean up

  • Tie up trash bags and leave in the provided trash can at the beach access

  • Please send us an email to confirm your clean up activity has been completed, how many bags were filled, any observations or concerns and remember to take pictures so that we may recognize your efforts online and via our monthly newsletter! Please send your email to







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